Friday, 20 February 2015

Welcome to the Ripple Effect

The Ripple Effect…

How one thing can spread out and affect a myriad of other things, often in ways never considered.

It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world.

How much change might we be able to create if we deliberately “flutter our wings” in a specifically chosen manner?  How might our ripples spread out and help create the kind of world we envision for the future?

Our personal journey towards this vision involves various aspects:

We are trying to be more aware of our impact and to live more sustainable lives.  It's a work in progress, but step by step we are making a difference.

We have become vegan for several reasons, the main ones being:
  • Believing all creatures have the right to not be killed or abused for our eating or using pleasure (and no, we don't even swat mosquitoes or spray flies... we try to relocate any creatures that we'd prefer not to have in our home).
  • Being aware of the horrendous damage to our environment that producing animal products causes.
  • From our investigation, finding credible, referenced research by others, our opinion is that animal products are detrimental to our health and well-being.

We have recently started a business running fun, educational activity programs for children (with plans for potential adult programs as well) and one of our main focuses will be eco/sustainability topics and topics that help stimulate children's curiosity, creativity and awareness.  Our aim is to help children (and adults) develop the skills and understandings to become actively involved members of a resilient community, building a positive future through the challenging times ahead.

We will also endeavour to have several websites which will aid in this process, providing valuable information and projects/activities for all segments of the community, from different focuses.

One of these websites is Earthwise Harmony so feel free to have a look at some of what we have out there already.

This Blog is designed to put out ripples of ideas as to how you might ‘make a difference’ and help change your lives, and the world, to be resilient and live sustainably in the challenging, yet exciting, times ahead.  Will you help keep the ripples spreading?

Like what you saw here? 
Visit http://earthwiseharmony for lots more!

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