Connecting Kids to Nature Activity
It's Blue with 5 Petals is the name of a plant identification book of wildflowers of the Adelaide region by Ann Prescott.
In fact, there are quite a lot of bluish coloured flowers with five petals.
Go for a wander in your garden and along the street, with your camera, and see how many of these you can find. You could even try a Botanical Garden or other planted park areas.
Take a photo of each one and make any notes that might help you to identify the plant later. For instance, is it a groundcover, low plant, bush, tree climber etc? What shade and intensity is the colour? Does the flower have a scent? What about the leaves? Are the leaves soft, rough, shiny, hairy, succulent? Are there any interesting or distinguishing features to the plant?
What about bluish flowers with a different number of petals? What flower can you find that has the least? The most?
Of course, flowers come in many more colours, so why not carry out the same process for each colour.
How many other colour flowers can you find with 5 petals? What colour flowers seem to come with the most petals? Is there one or two colours that seem most predominate? Why do you think this is the case?
Does one colour of flower seem to be more highly scented?
What do you notice about insect activity around flowers of different colour- such as butterflies, bees etc? Does a particular insect appear to be more attracted to one colour than another? Could there be other factors affecting this, such as scent, size, shape, amount of pollen or nectar etc?
What things can you deduce from all the information that you have collected in your study?
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