Rain… the bringer of changes… the awakener of new life.
After a few days of good rains, what changes can you find? Venture out into your garden or area of bushland. This can be even more effective if you have recently explored the area before the rains and taken photos and made notes about what it looks like after a dry spell, such as the summer months, and then revisit it after the first few rainy days of autumn, or in the winter.
What do you notice? What has grown, appeared or changed?
Here’s some things to look for:
- Newly created anthills
- Running creeks
- Evidence of branches, sticks, leaves or rocks washed up on banks, or even into bushes or trees, showing that a volume of water has passed through
- Rock pools containing water that were dry before
- Water droplets on webs
- Pools in hollows in the ground
- Eroded channels in the soil, made by water
- Animal footprints in mud
- Moss appearing on tree trunks, rocks and the ground
- Newly sprouted seeds- can you tell what the plants might be?
- Mushrooms and toadstools springing up through the ground
- Colourful fungus sprouting on old logs
- What about insect or bird activity… is this any different?
Take photos of anything you discover and make notes in your nature journal or notebook.
You can continue to make observations of the area at different times of the year and after different weather conditions and record what changes occur.
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