Keeping a kitchen clean and hygienic, needn't rely on harsh commercial cleaners which can damage our health, and seriously impact on the environment.
Here are some useful ideas for "going green" in the kitchen.
- To refresh your fridge, rub over with a little vanilla essence (pure or mixed with water) and leave a dish of bicarbonate of soda on a shelf at all times to absorb odours.
- To clean and deodorise your microwave, place the juice and cut up skin of a lemon to a bowl of water. Microwave on high for approx. 5 minutes. Wipe clean.
- Wipe kitchen surfaces with eucalyptus oil on a damp cloth, to disinfect.
- To clean your oven, wipe out while still warm with a damp cloth sprinkled liberally with carb soda. If this doesn't remove all grime, make a paste of vinegar and carb soda, apply to oven with a cloth, then leave for an hour. Wipe clean with a damp cloth.
- To remove hard water or rust stains from sinks, mix 1 teaspoon of salt with 1/2 cup of white vinegar, and rub vigorously.
- 1/2 cup of vinegar and 2 litres of water makes an excellent window cleaner, and doesn't tend to streak like plain water or detergents.
- Bicarb on a toothbrush is good for cleaning nooks and crannies, such as a round taps or sink plug holes. Toothpaste is also great for this!
- To remove grease and scale from around sink plug holes, rub with half a lemon.
- For burnt on food in a saucepan or baking tray, sprinkle with washing soda and then add boiling water. Leave for 30-40 minutes. Then, wash as usual. Oven racks can be soaked overnight in a solution of 1 cup of washing soda for each litre of hot water. You may need to use a large plastic tub or your laundry trough to allow racks to be completely submerged.
- Soak kitchen sponges and cloths overnight in a solution of boiling water, a large dash of vinegar and a few drops of eucalyptus or tea-tree oil. Rinse before use.
Bicarb Scouring Paste
8 tablespoons bicarb
2 tablespoon water
Mix into a stiff paste.
Use for scrubbing stove tops and kitchen surfaces etc.
Rinse or buff off after scrubbing.
8 tablespoons bicarb
2 tablespoon water
Mix into a stiff paste.
Use for scrubbing stove tops and kitchen surfaces etc.
Rinse or buff off after scrubbing.
Bicarb Household Spray Cleaner
2 teaspoon bicarb
2 teaspoon pure soap flakes
large dash of vinegar or squeeze of lemon
2 cups warm water
Mix until all is dissolved.
Put into a spray bottle and use as a cleaning spray.
Wipe with a sponge or cloth.
2 teaspoon bicarb
2 teaspoon pure soap flakes
large dash of vinegar or squeeze of lemon
2 cups warm water
Mix until all is dissolved.
Put into a spray bottle and use as a cleaning spray.
Wipe with a sponge or cloth.
Dish washing Detergent
1 cup soap flakes
1 cup washing soda
1 cup vinegar or lemon juice
1/2 cup water
few drops of essential oil of your choosing
1 cup washing soda
1 cup vinegar or lemon juice
1/2 cup water
few drops of essential oil of your choosing
Bring water and soap flakes to the boil, reduce heat
and stir until dissolved and smooth.
Remove from heat and stir in washing soda, until fully blended.
Add the vinegar and essential oil.
Use 1-2 teaspoons in a sink of hot water.
Store remainder in a sealed bottle.
Remove from heat and stir in washing soda, until fully blended.
Add the vinegar and essential oil.
Use 1-2 teaspoons in a sink of hot water.
Store remainder in a sealed bottle.
Fragrant Disinfectant
50 drops of essential oil eg. lavender, lemon, rose
4 tablespoons methylated spirits
1 litre distilled water
Combine methylated spirits and oil in a clean bottle.
Leave for 24 hours.
Add water and put in spray bottle.
Shake bottle before each use.
Spray on sink or other surfaces,
for wonderfully fragrant disinfected areas.
SEE: More Environmentally Friendly pages.
If you don't have time, or the desire, to make your own cleaners, then look out for products with Environmental Choice logos when choosing commercial cleaners.
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